My Recursive Writing Process

My Recursive Writing Process

My recursive writing process is something that I can use in other future classes and hopefully for the rest of my life. I’m a Medical Biology major so obviously I’m going to be writing many lab reports in the future based off of experiments and designs. Based on what I’ve written for my recursive writing process, I feel as though it’s essential before even beginning the experiments, to highlight and annotate any information on the lab and write down responses and questions that could affect how the experiment is performed. Listing different outcomes by grouping can give you an idea of how this lab will be tested and organized in a paper. Generating claims first and then writing the analysis pieces will help your paper stay on track with the overarching hypothesis. A peer edit is essential in the lab report because they might help you find an error or a forgotten piece that could further enhance your understanding on the lab. Even though its hard (at least for me), rereading is key in a lab because any small errors that you may have written or not written the first time could be essential in the readers understanding of your lab report.
